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 abswrite()              Write Disk Sectors

 #include   <dos.h>

 int        abswrite(drive,nsects,sectno,buffer);
 int        drive;                       Drive number
 int        nsects;                      Number of sectors
 int        sectno;                      Number of first logical sector
 void       *buffer;                     Buffer address

    abswrite() writes disk sectors with DOS interrupt 0x26; it disregards
    the logical structure of the disk, as well as files, directories, and
    file allocation tables (FATs).  'drive' is the number of the drive
    number to write (0 = A, 1 = B, etc), 'nsects' is the number of
    sectors to write, 'sectno' is the number of the beginning logical
    sector, and 'buffer' is the address in memory from which the data is
    to be written.

       Returns:     0, if successful. On error, returns -1 and sets
                    'errno' to the value returned in the AX register by
                    the DOS system call.

         Notes:     A single call can write a maximum of 64K from memory.

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
    The following statements write to logical sectors 20 through 35 on
    the disk in drive A:. If the write is successful, the sectors are
    read and printed to the screen. WARNING: Do not try this example on a
    disk you care about.

           #include <dos.h>
           #include <errno.h>
           #include <ctype.h>

           extern char *sys_errlist[];
           char buf[16*512];
           char inbuf[16*512];
           int x;

               for (x = 0; x < 16*512; x++)
                   buf[x] = 'a';
               if (abswrite(0,16,20,buf) == 0) {
                   for (x = 0; x < 16*512; x++) {
                       if (isprint(inbuf[x]))
                       if (x % 50 == 0)

See Also: absread()
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